xxM131M 1880-90s Hoop Petticoat. hoop skirt or hoop petticoat is a women's undergarment worn in various periods to hold the skirt extended into a fashionable shape. Hoop skirts typically consist of a fabric petticoat with casings to hold a stiffening materiel, variously rope, osiers, whalebone, steel.
This type of Hoop Petticoat began production in 1857. It was very popular and was used until the late 1890's. My pitticoat which is on display here is made once within this period. It is in the thick cotton and in good condition. In one of the images displayed together with wire bustle I have exhibited. The women in the 1880s-90s often combined hoop Petticoat and bustle wire.
Lightweight hoop skirts, usually with nylon hoops, are worn today under very full-skirted wedding gowns. They are also essential part of antique clothing reenactment.